- independent departureness独立偏度
- independent tests独立检验
- independent system独立系
- independent identically distributed,IID独立同分布[的]
- independent source独立信源
- Independent sample独立样本
- independence test独立性检验
- roulette and splitting method赌与分裂方法
- independent increment process独立增量过程
- Doob-Meyer decomposition杜布-迈耶分解
- Duhamel method杜阿梅尔法
- gauge transformation度规变换
- Dufort-Frankel scheme杜福特-弗兰克尔格式
- gauge function度规函数
- gaugeinvariance度规不变性
- change of metrics度量的变换
- polar of a gauge function度规函数的极函
- metrically dense度量的稠密
- metric transitivity度量可递性
- metric lattice度量格
- metric convex度量凸
- metric density度量密度
- metric coefficient度量系数
- metrically convex subset度量凸子集
- metric subspace度量子空间
- metric form度量形式
- extremal point theorem端点定理
- end node端结点
- extreme direction端方向
- curtate cycloid短辐旋轮线
- extreme ray端射线
- contracted tensor短缩张量
- segment段,节
- short exact sequence短正合[序]列
- assertion sign断定号
- break point断点,分割点
- queue size队列量
- Additive number theory堆垒数论
- stage of game对策的阶段
- strategy of a game对策的策略
- game theoretic对策论的
- value of game对策的值
- gaming对策模拟
- game theoretic model对策论模型
- upper value of game对策上方值
- countermeasure model对策模型
- Game trees对策树
- game element对策元素
- symmetry对称,对称性
- symmetric part对称部分