- iterated series叠级数
- iterated kernal叠核
- pinboard钉板
- stack algorithm叠式存储算法
- vertex,vertices顶(点),极点
- weight of vertex顶点的权
- vertex transitive graph顶点传递图
- vertex set顶点集
- vertex symmetry顶点对称
- Stational systems定常系统
- vertex subgraph顶点子图
- definite定的
- stationary phase定常相
- fixed point iteration method定点迭代法
- definite divergence定发散
- definite quadratic form定二次型
- lead time定货交付时间
- equidistant surface定幅曲面
- curve of constant breadth定阔曲线
- problem of determining the order定阶问题
- game of timing定时对策
- tilt-oriented curves定倾曲线
- oriented simplex定向单形
- oriented cell定向胞腔
- oriented matroid定向拟阵
- orientation class定向类
- defining contrast定义对比
- certification定值
- definiens定义者
- interval定义区间
- diophantine analysis丢番图分析
- system of diophantine equations丢番图方程组
- Diophantine geometry丢番图几何
- Diophantine relation丢番图关系
- momentum operator动量算子
- equation of dynamics动力[学]方程
- dynamic programming flow chart动态规划流程图
- dynamical variables动态变数
- 0# zero-sharp读作零井或零开。
- dynamic programming equation of optimality动态规划最优性方程
- mutually independent独立,互相独立
- 0+ zero-dagger读作零正
- independent独立[的]
- independence独立,自变
- independent edge set独立边集
- independent set of vertices独立[顶]点集
- separated scheme独立方程
- independent sampling独立抽样
- independent sets独立集
- independence axiom独立公理