- assetn.财产,宝贵的人(或物)
- stuffn.材料,东西,vt.把…装满,(为制作标本)剥制
- senatorn.参议员
- wreckagen.残骸
- sildkn.蚕丝
- drilln.操练,钻,vt. vi.操练,钻孔
- operationn.操作,手术,经营
- operatorn.操作人员,经营者
- lengthn.长,长度
- outputn.产量,产品
- shaftn.长柄,车杠
- benchn.长凳,法官席,议员席,vt.有益于,vi.受益
- squealn.长而尖的声音,vi. vt.发出长而尖的叫声
- feudn.长期不和,封地,vi.长期争斗
- commutern.长期车票使用者,经常往来于小型汽车
- repaymentn.偿还,偿付的款项(或物)
- occasionn.场合,时机
- transcriptn.抄本
- superconductorn.超导(电)体
- superstarn.超级明星
- excessn.超越,超额量,adj.过量的,额外的
- surchargen.超载,额外费
- pilgrimn.朝拜圣地者,香客
- tiden.潮,vi. 潮水般地奔流,vt.使随潮水漂浮
- tumultn.吵闹,激动
- wheeln.车轮,驾驶盘,vi.旋转,转弯,vt.滚动,使旋转
- carloadn.车辆荷载,满载一节货车的货物
- clichen.陈词滥调,电铸板
- padn.衬垫,便笺簿,发射台,vt.(用软物)衬填,vi.放轻脚步走(跑)
- shirtn.衬衫
- polen.撑竿跳
- commitmentn.承担义务,许诺
- tenantn.承租人,租户
- consumen.吃喝,消费
- pondn.池塘
- spoonn.匙,vt.用匙舀
- demensionn.尺寸,尺度,容积,范围
- gearn.齿轮,工具,vt.将齿轮装上,装备,vi.(齿轮)连接上,适合
- wingn.翅膀,机翼,vi. 飞过,vi.飞行
- washoutn.冲溃,大失败,失败者
- petn.宠物(指动物等),宠儿,vt.爱抚,vi,拥抱,接吻
- lotn.抽签,(作特定用处的)地方
- notorietyn.臭名昭著,声名狼藉的人
- penaltyn.处罚款
- fertilizern.传播花粉的媒介
- recipen.处方,烹饪法
- infectionn.传染,传染病
- transmissionn.传送,播送
- cargon.船货,货物
- sheetn.床单,一张(纸)
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions