- White Paper on District Administration in Hong Kong [1981]《香港地方行政白皮书》(一九八一年)
- Green Paper on A Pattern of District Administration in Hong Kong [1980]《香港地方行政的模式绿皮书》(一九八零年)
- Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Civil Service Pay Scales 19XX,The《香港特别行政区政府公务员薪级表──一九XX年》
- Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette,The《香港特别行政区政府宪报》
- Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette Extraordinary,The《香港特别行政区政府宪报号外》
- Legal Supplement to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette《香港特别行政区政府宪报法律副刊》
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW]《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》
- List of Ranks Whose Pay Scale Have Already Been Adjusted in Recognition of the Requirement to Work Sh《薪级已计及轮班工作因素的职级》
- ITA(Information Technology Agreement)《信息技术协议》
- General Administrative Records Disposal Schedules[GARDS]《一般行政档案存废期限表》
- Guide to Redundancy of Monthly-Paid Non-Pensionable Officers《有关处理非可享退休金月薪人员超额问题的指引》
- Guide to Pensions,Annual Allowance and Gratuities《有关退休金、年积金及退休酬金的简介》
- National Laws to be Applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [Annex III of Basic Law]《在香港特别行政区实施的全国性法律》(《基本法》附件三)
- Outlook [Efficiency Unit]《展望》(效率促进组)
- Guide for Departments on Procedure for Appointments in the Civil Service《政府各部门聘任公务员程序指南》
- Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Emblem《中华人民共和国国徽法》
- Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》
- Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea《中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明》
- Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and t《中华人民共和国政府和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府关于香港问题的联合声明》(中英联合声明)
- the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship (1978)《中日和平友好条约》
- Sino-Japanese joint declaration《中日联合声明》
- the China-Japan Joint Declaration (1998)《中日联合宣言》
- Secretary,…Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC…省委/市委书记
- General Regulations《总务规例》
- 2008 summer Olympics2008夏季奥运会
- schizophrenicadj. n.患精神分裂症的(人)
- patrioticadj.爱国者
- wantonadj.爱玩的,蛮横的,变化无常的
- playfuladj.爱玩耍的,开玩笑的
- secureadj.安全的,牢固的
- explosiveadj.爆炸(性)的,焊发(性)的
- guardedadj.被保卫着的,被看守着的
- mournfuladj.悲哀的,哀痛的
- beleagueredadj.被围困的,被围攻的
- continualadj.不断地,连续地
- unfairadj.不公平的,不正当地
- uncleanadj.不洁的,不纯洁的
- unableadj.不能的,无能力的
- wakefuladj.不眠的,觉醒的
- unsatisfactoryadj.不能令人满意的,不能解决问题的
- dislikedadj.不喜爱的
- unusualadj.不平常的,与众不同的
- unequaladj.不相等的,不平衡的
- unrelatedadj.不相关的,没有联系的
- unhappyadj.不幸福的,不适当的
- inconsistentadj.不一致的,不协调的
- unfriendlyadj.不友好的,冷漠的
- absentadj.不在,缺席,缺乏的/缺席
- unknownadj.不知道的,未知的
- unnaturaladj.不自然的,反常的
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- citizen's ethical construction
- civil service
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions