- Actio utilis扩用之诉
- Exceptio labeoniana拉贝奥抗辩
- jus abutendi滥用权
- Crimen expilatae hereditatis滥用遗产的犯罪,盗窃遗产的犯罪
- Prodigus浪费人
- Labor protection benefit劳动保障待遇
- the reatiolship of labor contract劳动合同关系
- labor payment劳动报酬
- labor dispute arbitration劳动争议仲裁
- Actio ad exemplum类似……之诉
- divorce离婚
- recidivists累犯
- Libellus divortii离婚文书
- Lex Licinia Mucia李其尼亚和穆奇亚法
- Leges Liciniae Sextiae李其尼亚和赛斯蒂亚法
- Lex Licinia lunia李其尼亚和优尼亚法
- theoretical jurisprudence school理论法理学派
- theory of rational decision理性决定说
- historic . . . significance历史……意义
- the histocrical school of law历史法学派
- Historical significance历史意义
- legislation mandate立法委任权
- Legislative立法权
- legislator立法者
- bill立法议案
- Ius parietrm立墙权
- testmamenti factio activa立遗嘱的能力
- right to make a will立遗嘱权
- Interested Party利害关系人
- joint legal relations连带法律关系
- benefit利益
- joint liability连带之债
- continuing crime连续犯罪
- Curator frumenti粮食的保佐人
- held jointly联同持有
- Grain supply粮食供给
- Praefectus annonae粮食供给长官
- Germani两面亲(同父同母所生)
- inappropriateness of penalty measurement量刑不当
- measurement of penalty量刑
- sentencing range量刑幅度
- Abandoned land撂荒地
- foreclosure了结抵押(抵押权人按规定拍卖抵押物以受偿)
- hunting and fishing猎捕
- Interim tutor临时监护
- Tutor interim临时监护人
- Actio temporales(temporariae)临时诉讼
- Conductio赁借货,租赁,承揽,雇佣
- Locatio conductio赁借贷
- hearing an application聆听……申请
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores