- Cautio Muciana姆奇亚担保(继承人为占有遗产提供的担保)
- Ius sepulchri墓地权
- Iter ad sepulchrum墓地通行权
- internal regulations内部规章
- The Code Napolean拿破仑法典
- Praetor urbanus内事裁判官
- tax payment place纳税地
- Ager vectigalis纳税田
- Beneficium competentiae能力利益,能力限度照顾
- Cessio in iure拟诉弃权
- Persona ficta拟制的人
- mancipatio拟制买卖
- fiction theory拟制理论
- Querela inofficiosi testamenti逆伦遗嘱之诉
- Legatum annuum年息遗赠
- Instrumentum fundi农具耕畜
- trade cooperation of agricultural technology cooperation农业技术合作
- Contubernium奴隶的同居
- Cognationes serviles奴隶亲属关系
- Servus vicarius奴隶特有产中的奴隶
- Adfinitates serviles奴隶姻亲关系
- Operae(servorum et animalium)奴畜
- Servitus poenae奴役刑
- maltreat虐待罪
- case of misappropriation of public funds挪用公款案
- continental law欧洲大陆法
- casual offender;casual offense偶犯
- contingent right偶然权利
- Accidental causality偶然因果关系
- accidental factors偶然因素
- Ius Papirianum帕皮里法
- Lex Papiria帕皮里亚法
- Servitus cloacae mittendae排放污水役权
- Aquae ducendae(ductus)排水权,导水权
- Actio aquae pluveae arcendae排放雨水之诉
- right to exclude all others排他的权利
- holder of the licence牌照持有人
- derived right派生的权利
- derivative acquisition派生取得
- Damnatus capite判处极刑
- Poena ad metalla(=in opus metalli)判处强制劳动
- In solidum damnare(o condemnare)判处以全部财产承担责任
- Condemnatio判决(程式诉讼)、判决要旨
- Decisio判决,裁决
- truth in sentencing判决及释放之间
- Judgment was entered for the plaintiff.判决原告胜诉。
- Case Law System判例法系
- Poena ad ludos判作奴隶
- high treason叛国罪
- collateral relatives旁系
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores