- American Institute of International Law美国国际法协会
- Admiralty Courts of the U.S.A.美国海事法庭
- Internal Revenue Service code美国国家税务局法规US
- United States district courts美国联邦地区法院
- federal judge美国联邦法官
- federal income taxes美国联邦所得税US
- Interdictum de clandestina possessione秘密侵占令状
- immunization免除
- Absolutio免诉,宣告无罪,开释
- principle refute免责抗辩
- disclaimer subject免责事由
- Legatum liberationis免债遗赠
- handed personally to . . .面交
- the civil law law department民法法系
- Leges rogatae民决法
- Civil Laws,Commercial Laws and Economic Laws民商法学、经济法学
- "by a preponderance of evidence" in civil cases民事案件中占有优势证据的原则
- civil民事
- civil defendant民事被告
- civil jurisdiction民事管辖
- civil negligence民事过失
- civil activities民事活动
- civil object民事客体
- alternation of private right民事权利变更
- deprived of private rights民事权利剥夺
- legal capacity for civil rights民事权利能力
- civil claim民事权利请求
- civil right and liability民事权利与责任
- dispute concerning private rights民事权利争议
- civil forfeiture民事上的没收
- civil possesion民事上的占有
- civil procedural law民事诉讼法学
- civil plaintiff民事原告
- civil damage民事损害
- civil charge民事指控
- civil administration department民政部门
- the mass rally民众大会
- Interdictum populare民众禁令
- Actio popularis民众之诉,公益之诉,众有诉权
- honorary membership名誉队员资格
- Titulus名分,权利
- honorary members名誉会员
- Existimatio名誉减损
- laws and regulations of Ming Dynasty明代法规
- honorary rank名誉职级
- express or implied明示或默示的
- Default默认
- implied默示
- communication by implication默示表达
- Bona materna母遗特有产
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores