- lecturern.讲演者,讲师
- deliveryn.交付,投递
- depressionn.降低凹地,沮丧,不景气
- trafficn.交通,贸易,vi.交易,买卖,vt.用…进行交换,以…作交易
- suburbn.郊区
- gluen.胶,胶水,vt.胶合,粘贴
- focusn.焦点,焦距,vt.使聚焦,使注视,vi.聚焦,注视
- hornn.角,触角,喇叭,vt.装角于
- cornern.角,拐角,vt.使走投无路,垄断
- heeln.脚后跟,(船的)倾侧,vt.给…钉后掌,紧跟,使(船)倾侧,vi.在后紧随,(船)倾侧
- toen.脚趾,vt.用脚趾踢(或触),vi.动脚尖
- clawn.脚爪,螯,vt.vi.用爪子抓
- popen.教皇
- classroomn.教室,课堂
- yeastn.酵母,vi.发酵
- phasen.阶段,vt.使分阶段进行
- stagen.阶段,舞台,vt.上演,举行
- classn.阶级,班级,vt.把…分类(或分等级)
- receptionn.接待,招待会
- contactn.接触,交往,门路,vt. vi.(使)接触,(使)联络
- closenessn.接近,密切
- accessn.接近,进入,接近(或进入)的方法(或权利、机会等)
- structuren.结构,建筑物,vt.构造,建造
- outcomen.结果,成果
- consequencen.结果,重要(性)
- combinationn.结合,联合
- tuberculosisn.结核,肺结核
- solutionn.解决(办法),溶液
- abstentionn.戒,避免,弃权
- explanationn.解释,说明
- deamondn.金刚石,vt.饰钻石于
- cinchonan.金鸡纳皮,金鸡纳树属
- venusn.金星
- hardwaren.金属器具,重武器,(计算机的)硬部件
- urgencyn.紧急,强求
- championshipn.锦标赛,冠军的地位
- perfectionn.尽善尽美,无比精确
- coursen.进程,行动方向,横帆,vi.流动,流淌
- entrantn.进入者,新加入者
- evolutionn.进展,渐进
- prohititionn.禁止,禁令
- spendingn.经费,开销
- economistn.经济学家,节俭的人
- managern.经理
- experiencen.经验,经历
- stemn.茎,柄,vt. vi.堵住,vi.起源于
- transistorn.晶体管,晶体管收音机
- refineryn.精练厂,提炼厂,炼制厂,提炼
- semenn.精液
- spermn.精液,精子,精虫
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions