- sergeantn.陆军(或海军陆战队)中士,警官
- coloneln.陆军(或空军、海军陆占队)上校
- cassetten.录音带盒,盒子
- routen.路,路线,vt.按规定路线发送
- tourn.旅行,观光,vi. vt.旅行,参观
- journeyn.旅行,旅程,vi.旅行,vt.游历
- touristn.旅行者
- tourismn.旅游业,游览观光
- aluminiumn.铝
- frequencyn.屡次,频率
- lawyern.律师,法学家
- counsellorn.律师,顾问
- chlorinen.氯,氯气
- contracturen.挛缩
- forumn.论坛,讨论会
- ethicsn.伦理学,道德学
- demonstrationn.论证,示范,表明,示威(运动)
- mulen.骡
- spiraln.螺旋(形),不断加剧的上升(或下降),vt. vi.盘旋,螺旋形上升(或下降)
- cameln.骆驼
- windfalln.落果,意外的收获,横财
- leprosyn.麻风(病)
- measlesn.麻疹
- mangern.马槽
- stablemann.马夫
- stablen.马厩,属于同一马主的赛马,vt. vi.把…栓进马厩,adj.稳定的,不变的
- polon.马球
- burialn.埋葬
- hazen.霾,烟雾,vt. vi.(使)变朦胧,vt.使劳累
- Medinan.麦地那
- porridgen.麦片粥,粥
- mouthfuln.满口,少量
- newsmann.卖报(或送报)人,新闻记者
- expirationn.满期,截止
- gratificationn.满足,满意
- miten.螨,小东西(尤指小孩)
- cartoonn.漫画,卡通,动画片
- caterpillarn.毛虫
- toweln.毛巾,vt. vi.用毛巾擦
- sweatern.毛线衫
- spearn.矛,vi.刺、戳
- offensen.冒犯,触怒
- colonn.冒号
- kerosenen.煤油
- fermentn.酶,发酵,vi.(使)发酵,(使)激动
- Capitoln.美国国会大厦
- cougarn.美洲狮
- magnesiumn.镁
- doublen.门,家
- riddlen.谜,谜语,vt.解(谜等),vi.出谜
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions