- perprep.每
- sneakv. vt.偷偷的走(或做),n.鬼鬼祟祟的人
- roserise的过去式。蔷薇科植物,蔷薇花,adj.蔷薇花的,玫瑰花的,vt.使成玫瑰色
- pulloutv.adv.离开,拔出
- jabv.刺,戳,n.猛刺,猛戳,猛击
- jamv.挤进,堵塞,轧住,n.拥护,阻塞
- uprisingv.起义,暴动
- bulldozev.强迫,威胁,压倒,用推土机清除
- jawbonev.谈话,争论,抱怨,赊买,借本
- embargovi. n.封港令,禁止贸易令,vt.禁止(船只)出入港口,禁运(物资)
- resortvi. n.求助,凭借,采取
- jellvi. vt.(使)成胶状,(使)结冻,n.果子冻,肉冻,果冻
- scoffvi. vt.嘲弄,嘲笑
- decreasevi. vt.减少,减小,n.减少,减小
- knockvi. vt.敲,击,n.敲,一击
- weepvi. vt.流泪,哭泣
- wanglevi. vt.使用诡计,获得
- wrestlevi. vt.摔跤
- compensatevi.vi.补偿,赔偿
- charvi.(把…)烧焦,(把…)烧黑
- neighvi.(马)嘶,n.马嘶声
- roarvi.(狮等)吼叫,vt.呼喊,使轰鸣,n.吼,轰鸣声
- crackvi.(使)裂开,(使)爆裂,n.裂缝,破裂声,adj.第一流的
- capsizevi.(使)(船等)倾覆
- gruntvi.(猪等)作呼噜声,vt.咕哝着说出(或表示),n.(猪等)作呼噜声
- retaliatevi.报复,反击,vt.回报,报复
- dissentvi.不同意,持异议,n.不同意,异议
- rushvi.冲,奔,vt.使冲,使急行,adj.急需的
- stridevi.大踏步走,vt.大步走过,n.大步,阔步
- hopvi.单足跳,长蛇麻子,vt.跳过,加蛇麻子于,n.单足跳,弹跳,蛇麻草
- whispervi.低语,vt.低声地讲,n.低语
- fadevi.凋谢,(颜色)褪去,vt.使褪色,n.(电影等的)淡入
- blundervi.跌跌撞撞,vt.做错,n.大错
- glowvi.发白热光,灼热,n.白热光,光辉
- sparklevi.发火花,发泡,vt.使闪耀,n.火花,活力
- hellvi.放荡地,欢闹
- presidevi.负责,统辖
- innovatevi.改革,革新,变革
- bellowvi.吼叫,vt.大声喊出,n.喊声
- farewellvi.过活,遭遇,n.(车,船)费
- replyvi.回答,答复,vt.回答,n.回答,答复
- turnoutvi.集会的人群
- persistvi.坚持,存留
- confervi.交换意见,协商
- proceedvi.进行,继续进行
- contendvi.竞争,争论
- chewvi.咀嚼
- grinvi.露齿而笑,vt.露齿笑着表示,n.咧嘴露齿的笑
- roamvi.漫步,vt.在…漫步,n.漫步,漫游
- wandervi.漫游,离开正道,vt.漫游
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions