- canaln.运河
- mobilityn.运动性,机动性
- disastern.灾难,天灾
- reunionn.再结合,重聚
- suspensionn.暂停,悬置
- flean.蚤,蚤目的昆虫
- shipyardn.造般厂,修船厂
- accusationn.责备,控告,(被告发的)罪名
- responsibilityn.责任,职责
- reinforcementn.增援,支援
- despiten.憎恨,恶意,prep.不管,任凭
- tributen.赠品,贡物
- donorn.赠与人,捐献者
- debtn.债,债务
- albumn.粘贴簿,唱片套
- deploymentn.展开,调度,部署
- clayn.粘土,泥土
- battlefieldn.战场
- combatantn.战斗员
- strategyn.战略,策略
- fightern.战士,斗争者
- tacticsn.战术,兵法
- expansionn.张开,扩张
- billn.帐单,(鸟的)嘴,vt. 给…开帐单
- tentn.帐篷
- entertainmentn.招待,招待会
- entertainern.招待者,演艺者
- philosophyn.哲学,基本原理
- pinheadn.针头,小东西
- needlen.针,vt. 用针缝,vi.缝纫
- reconnaissancen.侦察,勘察
- vacuumn.真空,vt.用真空吸尘器打扫
- clinicn.诊所
- showern.阵雨,淋浴,vi.下阵雨,淋浴
- tranquillizern.镇静剂,止痛药
- suppressionn.镇压,阻止
- tremorn.震颤,发抖
- concussionn.震荡,脑震荡,撞击
- parkinsonsn.震颤性麻痹
- arrangementn.整理,布置
- argumentn.争论,辩论
- normalizationn.正常化,标准化
- proofn.证据,检验,adj.能抵挡的,(酒等)合乎标准的
- squaren.正方形,平方,广场,adj. 正方形的,平方的,vt.把…弄成方形,使作平方自乘,adv. 对准地
- testimonyn.证据,证明
- withessn.证人,证据,vt.目击,表明,vi.作证人
- Juntan.政务会,军政府
- politburon.政治局
- zigzagn.之字形,adj.之字形的,adv.盘旋地,vt.把…作成之字形,vi.成之字形
- supportern.支持者,援助者
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions