- aggressorn.侵略者
- industrializen.勤劳,工业
- chambern.寝室,会议室
- youthn.青春,青省年时期,(男)青年
- scornn.轻蔑,嘲弄,vt.轻蔑,藐视
- patn.轻拍,抚摩,(黄油等的)块,vt. vi.轻拍
- trendn.倾向,趋向
- cyaniden.氰化物
- hockeyn.曲棍球
- prisonern.囚犯,失去自由的人(或动物)
- expulsionn.驱逐,开除
- frigaten.驱逐领舰,护卫舰
- samplingn.取样(品),取标(本),样品,标本
- entitlementn.权利
- advicen.劝告,通知
- faultn.缺点,错误,vt.找…的缺点,vi.弄错
- shortcomingn.缺点,短处
- firebombn.燃,烧弹
- dyeingn.染色,染色工艺,adj.染色的
- chromosomen.染色体
- troublemakern.惹事生非者,闹事者
- heatn.热,热度,vt.把…加热,vi.变热
- zealotn.热心者,狂热者
- mankindn.人类
- margarinen.人造黄油,代黄油
- folkn.人们,[口]家属,adj.民间的
- recognitionn.认出,承认
- tolerancen.忍受,容忍
- freakn.任性的举动,怪念头,adj.反常的,奇特的,vt.在…在形成奇特的斑纹
- karaten.日本的一种徒手自卫武术
- yenn.日元(日本货币),瘾,热望,vi.渴望
- journaln.日志,日报
- containern.容器,集装箱
- fleshn.肉,兽肉,vt.以肉喂,vi. [口]长肉
- crazyn.乳脂,奶油(色),adj.奶油色的
- furn.软毛,毛皮,vt.用毛皮覆盖,vi.生苔
- slimen.软泥,粘液
- jockeyn.赛马的职业,骑师,驾驶员,vt.骑(马)比赛,驾驶,vi.当赛马骑师
- trianglen.三角形,三角板
- jeann.三页细斜纹布,工装裤
- lossn.丧失,损失
- cesiumn.铯
- forestn.森林地带,森林,vt.在…植满树木,使成为森林
- murderern.杀人犯,凶手
- insecticiden.杀虫药剂
- killern.杀人者
- sandn.沙,沙子,vt.用沙擦,撒沙于
- hawn.山楂,吆喝牲畜左转声,(表示踌躇等)呃,vt. vi.(使)向左转,vi.发出呃(或嗯)声
- goatn.山羊,色鬼
- blitzn.闪电战,突,袭
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions