- executionn.实行,实施,处死刑
- groceryn.食品,食品杂货店
- employmentn.使用,雇用
- usagen.使用方法,习惯
- affairn.事,事务
- stylen.式样,风格,vt.使符合时式,使时髦
- sightn.视力,眼界,瞥见,vt.看见
- visionn.视力,远见
- vown.誓,誓约,vt.立誓,vi.发誓
- pledgen.誓言,信物,vt. 使发誓,保证
- withdrawaln.收回,撤退
- collectionn.收集,集成
- grenaden.手榴弹,枪榴弹
- handn.手,指针,vt.交出
- handballn.手球
- gloven.手套,vt.供给(某人)手套
- fingern.手指,vt. vi.用指触碰
- salesmann.售货员,推销员
- captainn.首领,船长,vt.做…的首领
- investituren.授职(仪式),授权
- inputn.输入,投入的资金(或物资),vt.把…输入计算机
- ransomn.赎金,vt.赎
- micen.鼠,耗子
- tenminologyn.术语学,术语
- mousen.鼠,vi.捕鼠,vt.仔细搜寻
- buildupn.树立,组合
- weaknessn.衰弱,弱点
- frostbiten.霜害,冻伤
- crystaln.水晶,钟面(或表面)玻璃
- minkn.水貂,貂皮
- buffalon.水牛,野牛,vt.压迫
- waterwayn.水路,航道
- sailorn.水手,水兵
- pooln.水塘,小水坑,游泳池,集合,基金,联营,vt.合伙经营,共享
- bucketn.水桶,vt.用桶打(水),催(马)拼命跑,vi.催(马)拼命跑,急速行进
- mercuryn.水银,水银柱
- sleepingn.睡眠,adj.睡着的
- persuasionn.说服,说服力
- speechn.说话能力(或方式),演说,讲话
- jurisdictionn.司法,裁判权
- firemann.司炉工,消防队员
- speculationn.思索,沉思,投机
- thoughtn.思想,思维,think的过去式和过去分词
- philosophern.思想家
- thinkern.思想家,思考者
- impassen.死路,绝境,僵局
- strontiumn.锶
- quartern.四分之一,一刻钟,vt.把…分为四部分,vi.住宿,驻扎
- carriagen.四轮马车,姿势
- dyslexian.诵读困难
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions