- noticen.通告,注意,vt. vi.注意
- passagen.通道,通过
- currencyn.通货,货币,流传
- correspondentn.通信者,记者
- notificationn.通知,通知书
- informationn.通知,消息
- homesexualityn.同性恋爱,同性性关系
- coppern.铜,铜色
- statisticsn.统计,统计数字(或资料)
- sovereigntyn.统治权,主权
- governorn.统治者,州长
- pailn.桶
- goutn.痛风
- sufferingn.痛苦,遭难
- headachen.头痛,头痛的事
- investmentn.投资,投入
- investorn.投资者
- lensn.透镜,镜头
- landofficen.土地管理局
- soiln.土壤,vt. 弄脏,vi.变脏
- saturnn.土星
- solidarityn.团结(一致),休戚相关
- reasoningn.推论,评理,adj.能推理的
- retirementn.退休,退职
- hipn.臀部,蔷薇果,病态的忧郁,vt.给(屋顶)造屋脊,使忧郁
- tractorn.拖拉机
- tilen.瓦片,瓷砖,vt.用瓦盖,贴砖于
- cortexn.外皮,皮层
- figuren.外形,图形,数字,vt.描绘,用图案装饰,vi.出现,计算
- completionn.完成,完满
- integrityn.完整,正直
- toyn.玩具,小动物
- princen.王子,亲王,君主
- webn.网,网状物
- jeopardyn.危险,危难
- tennisn.网球(运动)
- reskn.危险,vt.冒…的危险
- microprocessorn.微型电子计算机
- gerrymanderingn.为选举获胜而把(某地)不公正地划分选区
- violationn.违背,侵犯
- counterfeitern.伪造者
- tailn.尾巴,末尾部分,vt.紧跟…后面,adj.尾部的
- fiancen.未婚夫
- fianceen.未婚妻
- civilizationn.文明,文化
- literaturen.文学,文学作品
- renaissancen.文艺复兴,adj.文艺复兴的
- smailn.蜗牛
- crown.乌鸦,鸡啼,vi.(雄鸡)啼,得意洋洋
- contaminationn.污染,沾染物
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions