- powwown.巫师,(政治等方面的)会议,会谈
- dirtn.污物,泥土
- witchcraftn.巫术,魔法
- fign.无花果,无价值的东西,服装,vt.给…穿上盛装
- senselessn.无知觉的,愚蠢的
- warriorn.武士,(老)战士
- pentathlonn.五项运动(田径比赛全能运动之一)
- dancern.舞蹈家,舞女
- mattern.物质,事情,vi.有关系,要紧
- liaxrdn.晰蜴
- rhinosn.犀牛
- tinn.锡,罐头,vt.在…上镀锡,装罐,adj.锡制的
- extinctionn.熄灭,消灭
- kneen.膝,膝盖
- habitn.习惯,vt.使穿衣
- idiomn.习语,成语
- comedistn.喜剧作家
- stringn.细绳,弦,vt.上弦于,缚,vi.成绩索状
- tapen.狭带,磁带,vt.用带子捆,录音
- dwongraden.下坡,adj. adv.下坡的(地),vt.降低…的等级
- corporaln.下士,adj.肉体的
- cactusn.仙人掌
- vibren.纤维,纤维质
- gossipn.闲谈,爱讲闲话的人,vi.闲聊,传播流言蜚语,搬弄是非
- countyn.县,郡
- cashn.现金,[口]钱,vt.把…兑现
- realityn.现实,真实
- threadn.线,思考,vt.穿线于…,vi.穿透过
- restrictionn.限制,限定
- pien.馅饼
- glandn.腺
- countrysiden.乡下,农村
- peasantn.乡下人,庄稼人
- counterpartn.相对应的人(或物)
- sweetnessn.香甜,可爱,美妙
- champagnen.香槟酒
- ferfumen.香味,香水
- enjoymentn.享受,享乐
- fancyn.想象力,幻想力,adj.根据想象的,vt. vi.想象
- symboln.象征,符号
- imagen.像,肖像,vt.作…的像
- consumptionn.消费(量),肺结核
- pamphletn.小册子
- rugn.小地毯
- poliomyelitisn.小儿麻痹症
- creekn.小河
- chickenn.小鸡,胆怯的人,adj.胆怯的
- chapeln.小教堂,礼拜仪式
- cerebellumn.小脑
- napn.小睡,打盹,vi.小睡,疏忽
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions