- speakern.演讲者,说话者
- oatn.燕麦
- sheepn.羊,绵羊
- sunlightn.阳光,日光
- onionn.洋葱
- pensionn.养老金
- oxygenn.氧,氧气
- samplen.样品,货样,vt.从…取样检验,尝试
- fashionn.样子,方式,vt.形成,使适合
- waistn.腰,腰部
- invitationn.邀请,请帖
- rumorn.谣言,传闻,vt.谣传
- pilln.药丸
- coconutn.椰子(果)
- Jesus Christn.耶稣基督
- campn.野营地,vi.军营,vt.使扎营住宿
- leafn.叶,叶子,vi.生叶,vt. 翻…的书页
- pagen.页,侍者,vt. vi.给当听差
- liquorn.液,酒
- marginn.页边的空白,栏外,vt.加边于
- portionn.一部分,一份,vt.把…分成份额
- bitn.一点,一会儿,(马)嚼子,vt.给(马)上嚼子
- pairn.一对,一对夫妇,vi.成对,vt.使成对
- cosmonautn.一个苏联宇航员,宇宙飞行员
- blastn.一阵(风),爆炸,vt.(用炸药)炸,vi.发出尖响的声音
- thrilln.一阵激动,一阵毛骨悚然的感觉,vt.使激动,使毛骨悚然,vi.激动,毛骨悚然
- accordancen.一致,给予
- garmentn.衣服(尤指长袍,外套等),[pl]服装
- consensuen.一致,合意
- collarn.衣领,项圈,vt.扭住…的领口,捕
- conformityn.依照,一致
- physiciann.医生,内科医生
- pancreasn.胰(腺)
- insulinn.胰岛素
- removaln.移动,调动
- immigrationn.移居,外来的移民
- settlern.移居者
- emigrationn.移民,移民出境
- chairn.椅子,主席席位(或职位),vt.使就座,使就职
- commandon.义勇队,突击队
- parliamentaryn.议会的,国会的
- stepsistern.异父姊妹,异母姊妹
- councillorn.议员,顾问
- containmentn.抑制,遏制
- stepbrothern.异母兄弟,异父兄弟
- restraintn.抑制,管束
- intentionn.意图,打算
- boltn.意外事件,闪电,筛子,插销,vt.发射(箭等),vi.射,窜,adv.象箭似的
- hysterian.癔病,歇斯底里
- shaden.荫,阴凉处,遮光物,vt.荫蔽,画阴影于
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions