- reactorn.引起反作用的人(或物),反应堆
- sheltern.隐蔽处,躲蔽处,vt.(使)掩蔽,vi.躲避
- privacyn.隐退,隐居
- babyn.婴儿,vt.把…当作婴孩对待
- milen.英里,哩
- cherryn.樱桃,樱桃树
- hawkn.鹰,vi.带鹰打猎,vt.(象鹰般)捕捉
- campfiren.营火,营火会
- nutritionn.营养,营养物
- malnutritionn.营养不良
- commissionn.佣金,委任,委员会,vt.委任,委托
- coinn.硬币,vt.把(金属)铸成硬币,新创(新词、语等)
- couragen.勇气,胆量
- superiorityn.优越(性),优势
- melancholyn.忧郁,忧郁症,adj.忧郁的
- humoristn.幽默家,幽默作家
- zionismn.犹太复国主义
- condominiumn.由个人所有的一套公寓房间
- synagoguen.犹太教堂,犹太教徒集会处
- uraniumn.铀
- idlern.游手好闲者,懒汉
- playmaten.游戏的伙伴
- swimsuitn.游泳衣
- swimmern.游泳者
- goodwilln.友好,好意
- friendshipn.友谊,友好
- pestn.有害动物(或虫等)讨厌的人
- effevtivenessn.有效,有力
- groundnutn.有可食块茎的植物,落花生
- validityn.有效,正当
- guiltn.有罪,内疚
- kindergartenn.幼儿园
- childhoodn.幼年(时代),童年
- cubn.幼兽
- fishn.鱼,接合板,vt.捕,钓(鱼等),有接合板连接,vi. 捕鱼
- torpedon.鱼雷,水雷
- follyn.愚笨,蠢事
- cornn.玉米,鸡眼
- preventionn.预防,阻止
- auspicesn.预兆,保护,支持
- motorn.原动力,发动机,adj.运动的,机动的,vi.驾驶汽车,vt.用汽车运送
- logn.原木,(大)木料,测程仪,vt.伐木,航(飞)行,vi.采伐木材
- rescuern.援救者,营救者
- yardn.院子,码,vt.把…赶进圈栏,vi. (鹿等)集居
- willingnessn.愿意,乐意
- keyn.钥匙,线索,vt.锁上,vi.使用钥匙,adj.主要的,关键的
- allowancen.允许,被允许的东西,vt.定量供应,发津贴给
- permissionn.允许,同意
- admissionn.允许进入,入场费,承认
- movementn.运动,移动
- apache helicopter
- moonlight
- last in,first out
- project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- the other person
- "out" movement
- anti-embezzlement
- rest assured meat
- Scud missile
- spirit of utter devotion
- civil service
- citizen's ethical construction
- black heart cotton
- OmbudsHour Forum
- reform of the organizational structure
- the principle of "a more simplified taxation system,broader tax collection basis,lower tax rates and stricter tax colle
- gallantly rising to the occasion
- compete for the post
- the 1992 consensus
- old perceptions